Nissan's Think Outside Parking Box

A class assignment to solve an everyday problem turned into a submission for Nissan's competition for Urban Parking Problem on designboom platform.

My submission was selected among the World's Top 50 design to solve the parking problem in urban settings judged by the panel head by the world renowned Karim Rashid.

Creative Problem Solving

During one of the course in my design school, I recieved an assignment to solve an everyday problem we observe, more creatively without any constraints of technical feasibilty.


We had to come up with a rough version of the ideas within few hours. So I came rough sketches of my thoughts and few solutions.


Roller Park

The concept aims at saving the landscape space by utilizing the vertical space which is most suitable for urban scenario. It has cylindrical rollers one above other, with shelves to hold cars. The cars gets placed in each roller starting from ground level. They move to the above levels using robotic arms to the above levels as they get full.

Apt use of technology makes this structure sustainable, stylish and a man made wonder.


Rise Up

This concept aims at saving space by placing the cars around the office space. In heavily urbanised cities where view is hindered by other building standing close, there is very little to enjoy. By bringing cars to the same level we sit, a lot of time and energy is saved.


Ideas to Reality

Ideas are plenty, everyone has ideas. It takes a lot to convert the ideas to reality. First and foremost, we need to have clarity , for whom we are designing the product or service for. By keepin the user centred , we can explore as many ideas and later evaluate each one of them carefully by considering feasibility, desirability and viability.

By prototyping and cross-checking with users and iterating again on the designs, the ideas can turn to reality. In this brief exciting journey I learned to quickly pickup 3D tools and render my imaginations. I later realised some of the ideas are acutally implemented. One of them is Wolfsburg's Autostadt.